Understanding the creation of activating environments – Friction Fiction Festival, HfG Offenbach 23.-27.02.2020

I am looking forward to collaboratively designing and equipping the festival center at Friction Fiction Festival in two workshops.

The University of Design in Offenbach will transform into a queerfeminist and selforganized learning environment, I appreciate this.

Understanding the creation of activating environments

17.02.2020 14.00 – 18.00, 19.02.2020 17.00 – 19.00 Kapelle, HfG Offenbach.

How are environments influencing our activity and expected self-efficacy? Are we in power or is it the space around us? Is there a difference between helping and doing?

The first hour will give an overview on the theory of activating environments in language, architecture and virtual space, followed by an exchange of experiences, Q&A and a short break.
The second half of this workshop we will practically create an activating festival center for Friction Fiction Festival. We’ll adapt the generated knowledge and split in small workings groups around „signs“, „guiding system“, „entry situation“ and the „sharing of information during the festival“ – to enable participation and invite visitors to become part of and co-create the Friction Fiction Festival during the week.

The second workshop will reflect on the first one, critically doubt manipulative elements in our design and invite all of us to share and reflect on usage examples and observations we made in every day life of the festival.

Objective of both sessions is to understand simple tools and materials to create activating environments and to be able to recognize and transform passivating environmental elements around us.