Museum for contemporary cultural history | Museum für Zeitgenössische Kulturgeschichte B-Lage, Mareschstr. 1, 12055 Berlin. Sonntag, 09.02.2025 15.00 – 20.00: Bitte, nimm die Kunst mit.von und mit kathia Ich bin zu Gast im Museum für Zeitgenössische Kulturgeschichte und teile etwas, das ich gesehen habe. Etwas, wegen dem andere etwas gemacht haben. Ich mache etwas im Museum. Du auch? [ver]Schenken.Ver[selbst]ständigen,nach[voll]ziehbar. Erfahrungen…

„Wie wird gleich?“ Talk @ 38th Chaos Communication Congress, 27.12.24 Hamburg
It was a pleasure to talk and perform in the program of 38th Chaos Communication Congress, so called 38C3 in Hamburg. Feel invited to watch my talk at, where you can find loads of other interesting and surprising content.
Art for take away | since sept 2024
In a constant praxis since years I write my reflections and what else comes into my mind (in different directions) and collect written sentences, going on to scan and analogitalize it further into fotos that I share with strangers, arts lovers and collectors. Art for take away. It is one of my most positive experiences to share my art for…

Moeglichkeiten toeten | Video | 22/06/2022 | Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Invited by Olsen Wolf I created a performative video work for the event TAMING OF CHANCE, finissage of BEAM ME UP – DIY TELEPORTATION FOR HYBRID TIMES the curation residency of Darsha Hewitt in the program at Deichtorhallen Hamburg. MOEGLICHKEITEN TOETEN | A Game to Play is a 18 min long video without audio that was shown without my…

AVATARS | Guest Performance | nomad theatre | WUK Vienna | 10/2021 | en/de
I am Ⓐ queer magic cyborg. I was invited to perform and contribute to a discursive performance and exchange on the field ‚AVATARS‘ in the TEST.TUBE.Labor hosted by nomad theatre at WUK Vienna and in metaverse/ cyberspace/ diff. cities. The production and live discussion was staged with audience present in Vienna, streamed and recorded*: *watch video to see simple and…

I am looking forward to participating in a digital theatre realm discussing concepts of intelligence, produced by nomad theatre at WUK performing Arts (Vienna). Pre-produced and live: 16.04.2021 20:00 CET. „A public discourse on the notion of intelligence – as re-enactment of a popular science talk-show“: The piece will be post-produced and published online at the end of the…

Persuative Protest | Methods & Exhibition @ ZK/U Berlin
In cooperation with Luis Zipfel. Persuative Protest Simple and empowering design proposals (2019) 1 important skill in alternative and solidarity culture is the creation and maintenance of participatory and empowering environments. These knowledges and experiences can and should be adapted to the situation of street protest. By conceiving a demonstration no longer as a representative tool of protest, but a…

GIVEN THAT – Die Spieleberatung @ AUAWIRLEBEN Festival 2019, Bern, CH
Together with The Game Parlour I was producing a new play for this years AUAWIRLEBEN Festival in Bern, Switzerland: Given That.

praksis oslo // the moving museum
In cooperation with The Moving Museum and PRAKSIS Oslo, my project CCT is launching a smoke test. Physical event in Oslo and Livestream will happen on 31.05.2017 18.00 CET.

Designing Hope at Node17 in Frankfurt
Between collective hopes for a better, peaceful life in the Global Village on the one hand, and feelings of disempowerment in the face of a more complex digitized environment on the other, NODE17: Designing Hope sets out to discuss the responsibility and potential of technology and design practices. Curated by festivaldirection Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, Johanna Teresa Wallenborn and Alexandra Waligorski,…