Museum for contemporary cultural history | Museum für Zeitgenössische Kulturgeschichte B-Lage, Mareschstr. 1, 12055 Berlin. Sonntag, 09.02.2025 15.00 – 20.00: Bitte, nimm die Kunst mit.von und mit kathia Ich bin zu Gast im Museum für Zeitgenössische Kulturgeschichte und teile etwas, das ich gesehen habe. Etwas, wegen dem andere etwas gemacht haben. Ich mache etwas im Museum. Du auch? [ver]Schenken.Ver[selbst]ständigen,nach[voll]ziehbar. Erfahrungen…
Happening & Games

CB-Lab @ Rote Fabrik | Language, Spacial Concept, Community Manifestation | 04/22 – 03/23 | Zürich
I am glad to be part of the team concepting and manifesting a modular community studio for electroacustic composition and audiovisual research – the Clubbüro-Lab – at Rote Fabrik in Zürich, opening end of this year. The project is initiated and administrated by Isabelle von Walterskirchen, founder of the Clubbüro and advocate of a vibrant and progressive subculture around experimental…

Doing things, riding my hoverbike through apocalypse | Talk | 30/09/2022 | Clash of Realities @ Cologne Games Lab
I am looking forward to being part of this years and last of all Clash of Realities Conference at Cologne Games Lab alongside some brilliant game devs, queer practicioners, artistic researches and other vision manifesting people. My talk will be in the Game Developement Track on Friday 30th of Sept 2023 and sadly will not be recorded. Doing Things Riding…

Moeglichkeiten toeten | Video | 22/06/2022 | Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Invited by Olsen Wolf I created a performative video work for the event TAMING OF CHANCE, finissage of BEAM ME UP – DIY TELEPORTATION FOR HYBRID TIMES the curation residency of Darsha Hewitt in the program at Deichtorhallen Hamburg. MOEGLICHKEITEN TOETEN | A Game to Play is a 18 min long video without audio that was shown without my…

compYOUte | Theater Play | 05/05/2022 | Theater Paderborn
Update: it was a blast to work with Veronika Wider and you should see this. You can travel to Paderborn and experience the play or contact Theater Paderborn and invite compYOUte to your festival, school, theatre or gathering of any kind. I am looking forward to upcoming work in theatre, be it writing, directing and/or own performance concepts. Get in…
Since Nov19 I was and am concepting, researching and constructing a web environment to enable forschA to impart and practice their research in and to Authren: (using the tools: hotglue, write.freely and (to be constated/ascertained) I am defining myself as forschA as well, researching Authren. Concepting this web environment I was aiming to overcome a possible hierarchy between…

UNU OKAZO – Unsere Montag @ Golden Pudel Club, hⒶmburg 18.11.2019
Unsere Montag: UNU OKAZO w/ christian faubel live + kalib244 + bonnie + raum Programm 2019 Hamburg
Im Sommer 2019 arbytete ich zusammen mit der Spieleberatung für einige Zeit an der Planung einer informellen Konferenz mit dem Titel – deren Inhalt alles und nichts sowie ihre Form selbst, wenn überhaupt irgend etwas, dann aber die Teilnehmenden, war und ist. Die Konferenz fand im September in Hamburg statt und brachte Expertinnen verschiedener Disziplinen zusammen.

GIVEN THAT – Die Spieleberatung @ AUAWIRLEBEN Festival 2019, Bern, CH
Together with The Game Parlour I was producing a new play for this years AUAWIRLEBEN Festival in Bern, Switzerland: Given That.

6. – 8. Nov 2017 – Clash of Realities – Modding the City: Utopia Now!
I’m looking forward to meet you at this years Clash of Realities Conference in Cologne. Join and feedback us in our session Modding the City: Utopia Now! with our partner Prof. Gunther Rehfeld, founder of Games Master studies at HAW Hamburg.